package Jampack; /** Pivot applys a sequence of pivot operations to the rows of a matrix. The pivot sequence is contained in an integer array pvt[], which determines a permution as follows:
*      for (k=0; k<pvt.length; k++)
*         swap k and pvt[k];
Both k and pvt[k] represent zero-based references to the rows of the matrix. Pivot also has a method to apply the inverse permutation.

Comments: Column pivoting will be added later. @version Pre-alpha @author G. W. Stewart */ public class Pivot{ /** Pivots the rows of a Zmat (altered) as specified by a pivot array. @param A The Zmat (altered) @param pvt The pivot array @return The Zmat A with its rows permuted @exception JampackException Thrown for inconsistent dimensions. */ public static Zmat row(Zmat A, int pvt[]) throws JampackException{ int np = pvt.length; if (np > A.nrow) throw new JampackException ("Inconsistent array dimensions"); A.dirty = true; for (int k=0; k A.nrow) throw new JampackException ("Inconsistent array dimensions"); A.dirty = true; for (int k=np-1; k>=0; k--) for (int j=0; j