package Jampack; /** Print prints numbers, matrices, and arrays. All floating-point numbers are printed in e format with field width w and d figures to the left of the right of the decimal point. For the defaults see Parameters . @version Pre-alpha @author G. W. Stewart */ public class Print{ private static java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = new java.text.DecimalFormat(); /** Prints an int in default format. */ public static void o(int k){ o(k, Parameters.OutputFieldWidth); } /** Prints and int in a field of width w. */ public static void o(int k, int w){ System.out.print("\n"); String num = Integer.toString(k); while (num.length() < w) num = " " + num; System.out.print(num); System.out.print("\n"); } /** Prints an integer array in default format. */ public static void o(int ia[]){ o(ia, Parameters.OutputFieldWidth); } /** Prints an integer array in fields of width w. */ public static void o(int ia[], int w){ int n = ia.length; int ncp = Parameters.PageWidth/w; int jl = 0; while (jl < n){ int ju = Math.min(n, jl+ncp); System.out.print("\n"); for (int j=jl; jZ in default e format. */ public static void o(Z[][] A){ o(A, Parameters.OutputFieldWidth, Parameters.OutputFracPlaces); } /** Prints a 2-dimensional array of Z in w.d e format. */ public static void o(Z[][] A, int w, int d){ int nr = A.length; int nc = A[0].length; String temp = Integer.toString(nr-1); int rfw = temp.length()+1; int ww = w+d+10; int ncp = (Parameters.PageWidth-rfw)/ww; int jl = 0; while (jl < nc){ int ju = Math.min(nc, jl+ncp); System.out.print("\n"); String head = ""; while(head.length() < rfw) head = head + " "; System.out.print(head); for (int j=jl; jZmat in default e format. */ public static void o(Zmat A){ o(A, Parameters.OutputFieldWidth, Parameters.OutputFracPlaces); } /** Prints a Zmat in w.d e format. This method checks to see if the Zmat is real, in which case it prints only the real part. */ public static void o(Zmat A, int w, int d){ int nr = A.nrow; int nc = A.ncol; A.getProperties(); /* Check to see if the matrix is real. */ boolean real = true; real: for (int i=A.bx; i<=A.rx; i++){ for (int j=A.bx; j<; j++){ if ([i-A.bx][j-A.bx] != 0.){ real = false; break real; } } } if (!real){ String temp = Integer.toString(nr+A.bx-1); int rfw = temp.length()+1; int ww = w+d+10; int ncp = (Parameters.PageWidth-rfw)/ww; int jl = 0; while (jl < nc){ int ju = Math.min(nc, jl+ncp); System.out.print("\n"); String head = ""; while(head.length() < rfw) head = head + " "; System.out.print(head); for (int j=jl; j 10. - Math.pow(10., -d)){ frac = frac/10; exp = exp + 1; } fmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(d); fmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(d); fmt.setGroupingUsed(false); String sfrac = fmt.format(frac); if (exp < 0){ minuse = true; exp = -exp; } String sexp = Integer.toString(exp); snum = sexp; if (snum.length() < 2) snum = "0" + snum; if (minuse) snum = "e-" + snum; else snum = "e+" + snum; snum = sfrac + snum; if (minusf) snum = "-" + snum; } while (snum.length() < w) snum = " " + snum; return snum; } /** Converts a Z to w.d e format. */ public static String ZtoEstring(Z num, int w, int d){ String snum = DoubletoEstring(, w, d); if ( < 0) snum = snum + " - " + DoubletoEstring(, d+6, d) + "i"; else snum = snum + " + " + DoubletoEstring(, d+6, d) + "i"; return snum; } }