package Jampack; /** Zdiagmat is a storage efficient representation of a complex diagonal matrix. @version Pre-alpha @author G. W. Stewart */ public class Zdiagmat{ /** The order of the matrix */ protected int order; /** The base index */ protected int basex; /** The real part of the diagonal */ protected double re[]; /** The imaginary part of the diagonal */ protected double im[]; /** The order of the matrix (public) */ public int n; /** The base index (public) */ public int bx; /** The index of the last diagonal (public) */ public int dx; /** Constructs a Zdiagmat and initializes it to zero. @param order The order of the new Zdiagmat @return A Zdiagmat initialized to zero. */ public Zdiagmat(int order){ Parameters.BaseIndexNotChangeable = true; basex = Parameters.BaseIndex; this.order = order; getProperties(); re = new double[n]; im = new double[n]; } /** Constructs a Zdiagmat and initializes it to a constant. @param order The order of the new Zdiagmat @param val The value to which the diagonal is to be initialized @return A Zdiagmat whose diagonal is val. */ public Zdiagmat(int order, Z val){ Parameters.BaseIndexNotChangeable = true; basex = Parameters.BaseIndex; this.order = order; getProperties(); re = new double[n]; im = new double[n]; for (int i=0; i0, the kth superdiagonal; k<0, the kth subdiagonal. @return The Zdiagmat consisting of the selected diagonal of A @exception JampackException Thrown for k to large or small. */ public Zdiagmat(Zmat A, int k) throws JampackException{ Parameters.BaseIndexNotChangeable = true; basex = Parameters.BaseIndex; if (k >= 0){ if (k >= A.ncol){ throw new JampackException ("Diagonal out of range."); } order = Math.min(A.nrow, A.ncol-k); re = new double[order]; im = new double[order]; for (int i=0; i= A.nrow){ throw new JampackException ("Diagonal out of range."); } order = Math.min(A.nrow-k, A.ncol); re = new double[order]; im = new double[order]; for (int i=0; iith diagonal of a of a Zdiagmat (0-based). */ public Z get0(int i){ return new Z(re[i], im[i]); } /** Writes the ii-th diagonal element of a Zdiagmat. @param ii An integer @param val A Z @return Resets the ii-th diagonal element of this Zdiagmat to val. */ public void put(int ii, Z val){ re[ii-bx] =; im[ii-bx] =; } /** Writes the ith diagonal element of a Zdiagmat (0-based). */ public void put0(int i, Z val){ re[i] =; im[i] =; } }