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Class Jampack.Zsvd


public class Zsvd
extends Object
Zsvd implements the singular value decomposion of a Zmat. Specifically if X is an mxn matrix with m>=n there are unitary matrices U and V such that
     U^H*X*V = | S |
               | 0 |
where S = diag(s1,...,sm) with
     s1 >= s2 >= ... >= sn >=0.
If m<n the decomposition has the form
     U^H*X*V = | S  0 |,
where S is diagonal of order m. The diagonals of S are the singular values of A. The columns of U are the left singular vectors of A and the columns of V are the right singular vectors.

Variable Index

Limits the number of iterations in the SVD algorithm
 o S
The diagonal matrix of singular values
 o U
The matrix of left singular vectors
 o V
The matrix of right singular vectore

Constructor Index

 o Zsvd(Zmat)
Computes the SVD of a Zmat XX.


 public static int MAXITER
Limits the number of iterations in the SVD algorithm

 o U
 public Zmat U
The matrix of left singular vectors

 o V
 public Zmat V
The matrix of right singular vectore

 o S
 public Zdiagmat S
The diagonal matrix of singular values


 o Zsvd
 public Zsvd(Zmat XX) throws JampackException
Computes the SVD of a Zmat XX. Throws a JampackException if the maximum number of iterations is exceeded.

XX - A Zmat
The Zsvd of XX
Throws: JampackException
Thrown if maximimum number of iterations is exceeded.
Passed from below.

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