
WS 2007-08:
    [L] Geometric structures on nilpotent & solvable Lie groups, HU Berlin (D).
    [L] Special geometry and Lie groups, ITÜ Istanbul (TR).

WS 2006-07:
    [S] Deformation theory of complex structures, HU Berlin (D).

WS 2005-06:
    [E] Differentialgeometrie I, HU Berlin (D) - Die Übungsblätter

Efterårssemestret 2004-05:
    [L] Mathematics update (MAU1), Mechatronics Engineering, SDU Sønderborg (DK)

Forårssemestret 2004-05:
    [R] Projektiv geometri (PROGEO), SDU Odense (DK)
    [E] Kompleks Funktionsteori (MM06), SDU Odense (DK) - Øvelserne

Efterårssemestret 2003-04:
    [L] Mathematics Update (MAU1), Mechatronics Engineering, SDU Sønderborg (DK)

aa 2002-03:
    [T] Matematica discreta, Calcolo differenziale, Computer Science, Genova (I)

aa 2001-02:
    [E] Geometria, Civil Engineering, Genova (I)
    [T] Analisi I, Analisi II, Algebra lineare, Geometria analitica, Meccanica e termodinamica, Mathematics, Genova (I)

aa 2000-01:
    [L] Geometria I, Mathematics, Alessandria (I)
    [E] Geometria II, Mathematics, Alessandria (I)
    [L] Istituzioni di geometria superiore, Mathematics, Alessandria (I)
    [E] Istituzioni di Matematica, Architecture, Genova (I)

aa 1999-2000:
    [E] Istituzioni di Matematica, Architecture, Genova (I)

[L] = lectures; [E] = exercises; [R] = reading course; [S] = research seminar; [T] = tutorial.

    cm      First aid, accident prevention and civil defence for the Red Cross 

up you go again - P - R
Last modified in Feb. 2008