#version 3.5; // benötigte POV-Ray-Version #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "golds.inc" #include "skies.inc" #include "stars.inc" #include "stones1.inc" #include "stones2.inc" #include "woods.inc" #declare intervall = 5; // Nur wenn das // Koordinatensystem // benötigt wird. background {White} // Farbe des Hintergrundes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Beschreibung der Kamera // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- camera { location<50,30,40> look_at<0,0,0> angle 20 } // set a color of the background (sky) background { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lichtquellen // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- light_source { <100,50,50> color rgb <0, 0.1, 0.5> media_interaction off } light_source { <50,50,50> color rgb <0,0.1,0.5> media_interaction off} light_source {<-100,30,-20> color rgb <0,0.1,0.5> media_interaction off} light_source {<0,100,-50> color rgb <1,1,1> media_interaction off} // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Beginnen Sie, Objekte in der Szene zu beschreiben. // media{ scattering{ 1, rgb <0.5,0.5,0.5> extinction 0} density {color rgb <0.5,0.5,0.5>} } // Grundfläche plane { z, -100 texture {Starfield1}} //sphere{ <0,0,0> 10000 texture { Starfield1 }} union{ //Ufo union {sphere{<0,0,0>0.5 texture{Silver_Texture}} light_source {<0,-0.5,0> color rgb <1,1,1> spotlight point_at <0,-0.65,0> radius 10 falloff 10} //sphere{ <0,0,0> 10000 texture { Starfield1 }} // Körper der Szene intersection { sphere {<0,1,0> 1 } sphere {<0,0,0> 1} texture {T_Chrome_1A}} difference { torus {1,0.5 rotate <90,90,90>} sphere{<1.3,0.4,0>,0.15} sphere{<-1.3,0.4,0>,0.15} sphere{<0,0.4,1.3>, 0.15} sphere{<0,0.4,-1.3>, 0.15} sphere{<0.97,0.4,0.97>, 0.15} sphere{<0.97,0.4,-0.97>, 0.15} sphere{<-0.97,0.4,0.97>, 0.15} sphere{<-0.97,0.4,-0.97>, 0.15} texture{T_Silver_1A}}} rotate<0,clock*10,0> translate <-3+clock*0.5,0,0>} //Koordinaten, sin45*1,3=x für Kugel zwischen x und z Achse // ERDKUGEL // -------- // texture { pigment {image_map { jpeg "ErdMap2.jpg" map_type 1 } } } } // finish { ambient rgb <0.6,0.6,0.9> diffuse 0.3 phong 0.05 phong_size 15 } } // rotate <0, -90, 0> // translate <0,0,0> // } sphere {<0,-80,0> 70 texture { pigment {image_map { jpeg "ErdMap2.jpg" map_type 1 } rotate <98,-60,90> }}}