Daniel Grieser (Oldenburg) Eigenvalue Estimates, Isoperimetric Inequalities and Flows in Networks Abstract: The Laplace operator is a basic object in analysis, differential geometry, probability theory, quantum mechanics, as well as graph theory (in its discrete form). A central problem is the determination, or at least estimation, of its lowest eigenvalue in terms of the geometry of the space on which the Laplacian is defined. One such estimate is Cheeger's inequality, which relates the lowest eigenvalue to a quantity h which closely resembles the classical isoperimetric constant. In this talk I will give a new perspective on this quantity h by relating it to the problem of flowing a maximum amount of fluid through the space given certain local capacity constraints. This relation involves a continuous analogue of the classical Max Flow Min Cut Theorem in network theory. From this new perspective we get effective ways of estimating h and new proofs of Cheeger's inequality as well as inequalities of the lowest eigenvalue in terms of the inradius.