Abstract submission:
Abstract submission is open until May 31, 2024. Notifications about acceptance will be sent by June 14, 2024. To submit an abstract, you do not simultaneously have to register for the event. Actually, we advise you to register only after June 14, because you will get a voucher for the conference dinner if your abstract has been accepted for oral presentation. Please note that we cannot refund the dinner cost in case you have already registered beforehand. Registration:
To participate in the event, you have to register until July 19, 2024. The registration fee for the 7th Berlin Workshop on Mathematical Finance for Young Researchers (September 4-6, 2024) is 25€. You may simultaneously also register for the MAFE Workshop Risk Mitigation - Climate, Energy and Finance (September 2-3, 2024), in which case an additional 25€ registration fee applies. To submit an abstract for a contributed talk or to register for the event, follow this link:
Registration and abstract submission