Khovanov homology of positive fibered knots

This page collects additional data to the paper:
M. Kegel, L. Mousseau, N. Manikandan, and M. Silvero: Khovanov homology of positive links and of L-space knots.
We check our obstructions on the KnotInfo and census knot data.
This notebooks contains verified calculations of the normalized HOMFLYPT polynomials and additional data need to demonstrate the existence of an infinite family of positive fibered knots that are not braid positive.
Here we demonstrate the existence of a hyperbolic strongly quasi-positive fibered knot with non-vanishing first Khovanov homology.
Here we compute Khovanov homologies of the (2,0)- and the (2,1)-cables of 2-stranded torus knots.
Here we compute the Khovanov homologies of the (2,11)-cable of the (2,3)-cable of the trefoil.
In this notebook we work a bit more with cables.
A few computations of the wriths.

We also print some more Khovanov homologies of cables:
(2,19)-cable of m016
(2,23)-cable of m223
(2,0)-cable of T(2,3)
(2,1)-cable of T(2,3)
(2,2)-cable of T(2,3)
(3,4)-cable of T(2,3)
(2,0)-cable of T(2,5)
(2,1)-cable of T(2,5)
(2,2)-cable of T(2,5)
(2,0)-cable of T(2,7)
(2,1)-cable of T(2,7)
(2,0)-cable of T(2,9)
(2,0)-cable of T(2,11)
(2,0)-cable of T(2,13)
(2,0)-cable of T(2,15)
(2,0)-cable of T(2,17)
(2,0)-cable of T(2,19)
(2,0)-cable of T(2,21)
(2,2)-cable of T(2,49)
(2,3)-cable of T(2,49)
(2,11)-cable of T(3,4)

and of the hyperbolic L-space knots from arXiv:2203.12013 that might not be (braid) positive, but cannot be obstructed via Khovanov homology: