Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Mathematik

Welcome to our new colleagues at the Institute for Mathematics

This page provides basic information for new colleagues arriving at the Institute for Mathematics.


Generalities about life in Berlin


The International scholar services webpage provides general information for newcomers to Berlin. This page is devoted to issues concerning the Department for Mathematics.


Employment contract paperwork


The general administration of the University is located at Unter den Linden 6, an hour by public transport from the department. The person in charge for mathematics is Frau Kathrin Schneider.




The keys to the main building (i.e. the Johann von Neumann Haus, Rudower Chaussee 25) and to your office (inside this building) are provided by the secretary of your group (typically the secretary of the professor who hired you).


The teaching takes place sometimes in the Johann von Neumann Haus and sometimes elsewhere, mainly in the Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum (the building across the street ,Rudower Chaussee 26). The classrooms are locked outside of class hours. The key to your office opens the classrooms in the Johann von Neumann Haus. You can get the keys to the classrooms located elsewhere from a key box on the first floor of the Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum. You need a HU-card to access this key box: you can get one at the Prüfungsbüro, contact Frau Anne Dorow, room 2.009.


Computer accounts and IT services


You need to create two accounts:

  1. a CMS account (used in particular to access Moodle): contact Frau Heike Pahlisch, room 2.202.   You need to fill in a form that has to be signed by the head of the Institute.

For setting a personal webpage, contact Frau Heike Pahlisch. 


Access to the library


The library is located at the ground floor of the Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum. The library card can be obtained directly at the library. You will need a CMS account, your passport and your employment contract.




There is a student restaurant (Mensa) located at the first floor of the Johann von Neumann Haus. You need a card that you can get at the restaurant with your passport and your employment contract. 


The food is OK but the spot is rather noisy and most staff prefer local restaurants nearby.


A welcome party

A welcome party might be organized end September if Corona permits.

Additional help


Useful help can be provided by

  • Frau Heike Pahlisch, room 2.202, an English speaking secretary, or   
  • Frau  Kati Blaudzun, room 1.313, an English speaking secretary or
  • Frau Desiree Dzomo Quevedo, room 1.402, a very multilingual secretary (speaks fluently Italian, Spanish, French, German, English, and probably some more languages).

Also, you may contact the author of this page, Ania Otwinowska, room 1.404.