Sun, Mar 5 | Mon, Mar 6 | Tue, Mar 7 | Wed, Mar 8 | Thu, Mar 9 | Fri, Mar 10 | |
Breakfast 08:00-9:00 |
09:00-10:30 |
Joel Tropp | Joel Tropp | Joel Tropp |
Lorenzo Rosasco |
Lorenzo Rosasco |
Break | ||||||
11:00-12:30 |
Joel Tropp |
Lorenzo Rosasco |
Giovanni Peccati |
Giovanni Peccati |
Giovanni Peccati |
Lunch 12:30-14:00 |
Departure | |||||
Participants' Introduction | Group Exercises | Excursion | Group Exercises | ||
16:30-18:00 | Arrival | Research Unit Talks |
Lorenzo Rosasco (Discussion of group exercise) |
Giovanni Peccati (Discussion of group exercise) |
Dinner 18:00-19:00 |
Poster Session |
Lecture Series
This year's lecture series will be given by
Giovanni PeccatiLuxembourg University
Lorenzo RosascoMassachusetts Institute of Technology and University of Genoa |
Joel A. TroppCalifornia Institute of Technology |
Preparatory material
- Giovanni Peccati's lectures will in parts be based on material contained in the edited volume Stochastic Analysis for Poisson Point Processes, G. Peccati and M. Reitzner (eds.), Springer, 2016.Lectures on the Poisson Process" also contains important material. A forthcoming monograph by G. Last and M. Penrose with "
- Joel Tropp's lectures will be based on a subset of the following articles:
J.A. Tropp (2015): Convex recovery of a structured signal from independent random linear measurements. in: Sampling Theory, a Renaissance, Birkhäuser.
V. Chandrasekaran et al. (2012): Convex geometry of linear inverse problems. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 12, 805-849.
D. Amelunxen et al. (2014): Living on the edge: Phase transitions in convex programs with random data. Available at
M.B. McCoy and J.A. Tropp (2014): From Steiner formulas for cones to concentration of intrinsic volumes. Discrete and Computational Geometry 51, 926-963.
C. Thrampoulidis, S. Oymak, and B. Hassibi (2015): The Gaussian min-max theorem in the presence of convexity. Available at
S. Oymak and J.A. Tropp (2015): Universality laws for randomized dimension reduction, with applications. Available at
C. Thrampoulidis (2016): Recovering structured signals in high-dimensions via non-smooth convex optimization: Precise performance analysis. PhD thesis, available at
Lorenzo Rosasco's notes on Regularization methods in large scale machine learning with exercises at the end.
Exercises to Giovanni Peccati's lecturees.
Joel Tropp's slides.
Poster Session
All participants are encouraged to present their work in a poster session.
Participants Short Introduction
All participants briefly introduce themselves and their research interests within about 3 minutes on Monday afternoon, supported by one or at most two slides. Please send your slide(s) by March 1 as a single .pdf-file to