Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Mathematik

Forschungsseminar Algorithmische Optimierung (AGs Hante/Walther)

Ort: Rudower Chaussee 25, Raum 2.417

Zeit: Donnerstag, 15:15 Uhr

Studierende und Gäste sind herzlich willkommen.



Vorträge im Wintersemester 2024/25


21.10.2024 Rolf Krause, Università della Svizzera italiana        
  Multilevel methods for non-smooth minimization and variational inequalities        

Beginn: 15:00

Achtung anderer Tag und andere Zeit!

31.10.2024 Verteidigung der Masterarbeit von Ece Tevruez        
  Multiobjective Unit Commitment: Comparison of Algorithms and Approximations        
  Beginn: 10:00, online: zoom-link        
  Achtung andere Zeit!        
12.11.2024 Laura Ghilardi, Politechnico Milano        
  Optimization of high preasure gas networks        
  Beginn: 15:30        
  Achtung anderer Tag und andere Zeit!        
19.11.2024 Addis Belete Zewde, Dire Dawa University        
  Solving Potential Multi-Leader-Follower Games via Parametric Optimization        

Beginn: 15:00

Achtung anderer Tag und andere Zeit!

12.12.2024 Martín Hernández, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg        
  Random Batch Method for PDEs on Graphs        
13.02.2025 Zijun Li, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin        
  Hybrid Algorithms for a class of Joint  Optimization and Learning Problems        
27.02.2025 Verteidigung der Masterarbeit von Jakob Helf
  Limited memory Bundle-Verfahren für die nichtglatte Optimierung: Numerischer Vergleich zu einem semiglatten CG-Verfahren        
18.03.2025 Verteidigung der Masterarbeit von Simon Bienewald
  xSchNet: A self-explainable AI-model for quantum chemistry at orbital level        

Beginn: 8:00, online

Achtung anderer Tag und andere Zeit!

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Vorträge im Sommersemester 2025


24.04.2025 Robert Luce, Gurobi Optimization        
Solving Nonlinear Problems to Global Optimality 🖉
In this talk, we provide an overview of Gurobi's algorithmic
components for solving nonlinear optimization problems to global
optimality. In essence, we extend our existing mixed-integer
programming (MIP) framework to handle such problems. This includes our
presolve algorithms, an extension of the branch-and-bound method
utilizing spatial relaxations, and an interior point algorithm for
nonlinear problems, which serves as a primal heuristic to find
high-quality solutions. As a result, we can compute solutions to
nonlinear optimization problems along with certificates for global

Finally, we have extended gurobipy to facilitate the easy formulation
of expression-based nonlinear optimization problems in Python.
Gurobi's nonlinear solver applies to explicit expression-based
constraints and does not require the supply of derivative data.
03.07.2025 Oliver Sander, Technische Universität Dresden        
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