Former events
- Richard von Mises Lecture am 23.06.2023
- Berlin-Bielefeld-Paris Workshop on Early Stopping 13-14 April 2023
- TES OptML/CoMinds Workshop Optimization Methods for and within Machine Learning
- Northern German Algebraic Geometry Seminar and the award of the Algebraic Geometry & Compositio Prizes (09./10.02.2023)
- 6-th Berlin Workshop on Mathematical Finance for Young Researchers 2021
- Richard von Mises-Lecture 2019, July 05, 2019, Rudower Chaussee 26, Room 0'119
- Conference "Periods and Motives", 08-12 July, 2019. Organizers: Bruno Klingler and Claire Voisin.
- Workshop »Minimum Residual & Least-Squares Finite Element Methods« from September 16 to September 18, 2019. The workshop takes place at the main building of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The speakers include Pavel Bochev, Wolfgang Dahmen, Leszek Demkowicz, Marc Gerritsma, Jay Gopalakrishnan, Norber Heuer, Gerhard Starke, and Rob Stevenson. The program and further information can be found on the website
- Workshop "D-Modules and the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence", 29. April – 3. Mai 2019. Organizers: Bruno Klingler und Thomas Krämer.
Eigenvalue Day, 15. - 16.04.2019. Organizer: Carsten Carstensen
Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis for Exascale (STIMULATE European Joint Doctorates), April 08-18, 2019
Workshop 'CAST 2019: XIII Workshop on Symplectic Geometry, Contact Geometry, and Interactions', March 07-09, 2019, Organizer: C. Wendl
Konferenz Stability Phenomena in Geometry and Mathematical Physics", 09.-12.10.18, Ort: Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin, Raum 1.115.
- Workshop Automorphic Techniques in Arithmetic Geometry, 08. - 10.10.2018
Tag der Mathematik 2018 at the Technical University of Berlin
WORKSHOP on Modeling, Analysis, and Approximation Theory Toward Applications in Tomography and Inverse Problems, 20. - 21.08.2018, RUD 25
- WORKSHOP on Modeling, Analysis, and Approximation Theory Toward Applications in Tomography and Inverse Problems, 20. - 21.08.2018, RUD 25
- Richard von Mises-Lecture, 22. Juni 2018, RUD 26, 0'119
NoGAGS 2017 - North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar 2017 - 16-17 November, Organizers: Gavril Farkas / Bruno Klingler
RMMM8 - Berlin 2017, Reliable Methods of Mathematical Modeling (Berlin July 31 - August 04, 2017)
Organizers: G. Farkas, R.Pandharipande
- The Workshop on Conformal Geometry and Spectral Theory will take place at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin from November 11 to November 13, 2016. It is organized by Prof. Dr. Helga Baum (HU) and Dr. Florin Belgun (IMAR Bucharest). For more information please visit:
- 2nd Central School on Analysis and Numerics for Partial Differential Equations, August 29 - September 02, 2016.
- Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory, August 08-12, 2016.
- July 28-30, 2016, Berlin, Germany. The conference is organized on the occasion of Peter Imkeller’s 65th birthday and our goal is to discuss recent developments in theory and applications of stochastic analysis, dynamics and control.
- Crossroads: Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Related Fields.
- 7th European Congress of Mathematics, July 18-22, 2016, Technische Universität Berlin
- Conference "Arakelov theory and automorphic forms. A Conference at the occassion of Jürg Kramer's 60th birthday", June 06-09, 2016.
- EULER Lecture 2016 on May 27, 2016
- Day of Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, May 20, 2016. Organizers: Prof. Dr. G. Farkas (HU and Prof. Dr. Hélène Esnault (FU)
- Intensive Courses "Moduli and Automorphic Forms: a Meeting for Women in Mathematics, 12th to 14th May, 2016.
- Day of the Mathematics in Berlin, April 30, 2016 at the Freie Universität Berlin
- Conference Moduli spaces of holomorphic differentials, 09-11 February 2016, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Einstein-Stiftung
- Tage der Forschung 2015, Adlershof, 24. and 25. September 2015
- 11. Meeting of Phd in Stochastic in Berlin, August 05-07, 2015
- Symposium IRIS 2015, 10. Juli 2015, Programm
- Richard von Mises Lecture. June 26, 2015.
- EULER Lecture 2015 on May 22, 2015
- Day of the Mathematics 2015, May 2015
- Day of Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry in Berlin, March 12, 2015
- Motivic invariants related to K3 and abelian geometries, Berlin, February 03 - 06, 2015
- Colloquium in honor of the 65th Birthday of Dr. Elke Warmuth, February 02, 2015. Place: Unter den Linden 6, Room 2014A, Time: 4:15 p.m.
- Workshop on Multiple Zeta Values, Modular Forms and Elliptic Motives II, at the ICMAT Madrid, December 01-05, 2014. Organized by ICMAT in corporation with Kosmos Summer University (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Clay Mathematics Institute.
- Summer School 2014 of the IRTG "Moduli and Automorphic Forms" in collaboration with the Rényi Institut, Budapest (August 25-30, 2014)
- Richard-von-Mises Lecture on June 13, 2014
- Summer School Understanding Stratified Spaces from a Analytic and Topological Viewpoint, August 04-08, 2014. Contact: J. Brüning
- ICCP 2014 - 6th International Conference on Complementarity Problems, August 4-8, 2014
- First Berlin-Singapore Workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Risk (21.-24.05.2014)
- Humboldt Distinguished Lecture Series in Applied Mathematics, 19./20.05.2014
- Conference "Geometric Structures and Spectral Invariants", organised by SFB 647
- Day of the Mathematics 2014, 17 May 2014 (Technical University of Berlin)
- Conference "Geometric Structures and Spectral Invariants" with a day dedicated to the work of Matthias Lesch. Berlin, May 16-19, 2014.
- EULER Lecture 2014, 16 May 2014
- Workshop on Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 17. - 21.03.2014
- Richard von Mises Lecture 14. June 2013
- Festkolloquium in honour of Professor Hans Föllmer and Opening meeting of the DFG RTG 1845 on 16th/17th November 2012
- International Conference "Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics CMAM-5", July 30 - August 3, 2012
- Workshop "Geometry and Topology of Moduli", 10. - 12. Oktober 2012 (Veranstalter Gavril Farkas)
- Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2012
- Richard von Mises-Lecture June 22, 2012
- Richard von Mises-Lecture July 1st, 2011
- IMPACT-Workshop in honor of P. Imkellers 60. Birthday
- Twelfth European Workshop on Automatic Differentiation with Emphasis on Applications to DAEs, December 8th-9th, 2011